Big Data

Big Data
With the increasing availability of data, managing and interpreting the available data to work for our advantage is a science in itself. There are a lot of tools to help us understand the vast amount of data available and to take the best decisions based on those data. We at Auriss provide Customized training for corporations and individuals who need to have a thorough understanding of Big Data solutions available on the market today to solve enterprise challenges in dealing with ever increasing large data sets.
Auriss consist of trained profession in the use of Hadoop software. We provide customized training for corporations and individuals who are evaluating and considering using Hadoop to solve their data scalability problems. We support our customers through use case discovery and help them asses the appropriateness and value of Hadoop for their organization.We help our customers to configure and set up high performance, production-ready Hadoop clusters for their organization, help them verify prototype functionality and project feasibility for their big data use case using Hadoop and finally deploy their production pilot projects using Hadoop. Auriss supports its customers through periodic health check services to certify and tune existing Hadoop clusters